We have a shopping cart domain model with line items. Externally, we have a single API to checkout the shopping cart. Internally though, we have 3 distinct HTTP services:
- Create shopping cart
- Add line item(s) - one HTTP call per line item
- Checkout
We'd like to express this in an integration flow, aborting if any of the steps fail or timeout. Here is some pseudo code for the flow:
public IntegrationFlow cartFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(channel())
.handle(Http.outboundGateway(.....) // How do we proceed here to create a shopping cart?
.split(ShoppingCart.class, ShoppingCart::getLineItems)
.handle(Http.outboundGateway(.....) // And here to add each line item?
.handle(Http.outboundGateway(.....) // And here to checkout
Adding the Http.outboundGateway calls isn't an issue. The question really is about preserving context (about the ShoppingCart after the HTTP method invocation). The services don't return any data beyond confirming that the call succeeded.
One option I understand is to create a custom bean which makes the HTTP calls and inject that into the pipeline. That approach doesn't feel very idiomatic to me.
You use-case fully fit to the
Content Enricher
pattern, with which you have somepayload
, call some external service (via gateway on therequest-channel
), wait for the reply and add some content to the originalpayload
.For your use-case you might need several consequential
definitions.Also see Spring Integration
Content Enricher
definition for more information.EDIT