What should be done for me to have the deployment target lower that 7.0 in my project preferences? Now any new project I create using Xcode 5 can only be deployed to iOS 7.0. That's how it looks:
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Had the same issue. All I did was to change Architectures to Standard architectures (armv7,armv7s) - exclude the 64 bit. See screenshot.
I had the same problem. I solved it with these steps:
project > Build Setting
Deployment tab > iOS Deployment Target
You can directly type a different target (5.0, 5.1, etc) into the text box :)
The only thing to note is you will need to change the architecture to exclude ARM64 if you go below 7.0.
You can follow my answer here to use the iOS 6 SDK on XCode 5 but you need to have XCode 4 installed on your Mac.
But I think you can just set the Deployment Target to iOS6, in the configuration of the project :