wso2 api manager database

2019-07-25 07:37发布

I don't understand how can I access the data of APIs (api_id) USER (user_id), subscriptions (is a user 'x' subscribed to API 'y'?) ...

how can I perform such controls by connecting to some db?

2楼-- · 2019-07-25 07:49

Though your question is not much clear,hope you want to know how WSO2 API Manager implemented database data accessing part.I'll explain how WSO2 API Manager did controlling over database data.

You could found the database scripts[it contains h2/mysql/oracle dbscripts] use by WSO2 API Manager from [1] which used to create the database table structure of it.You'll notice there are separate database tables to store information on APIs[AM_API] ,subscribers[AM_SUBSCRIBER] and subscriptions[AM_SUBSCRIPTION],etc.And you'll notice how foreign keys have been used to enable relationships among tables to perform controls over data while ensuring that the data stored in a consistent way.

Then there's an inbuilt java API defined for WSO2 API Manager related back-end functionalities and you can found it from [2] and its implemented java code can be found from [3].If you have a look on class implementation in org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl bundle,you'll get a better understanding how the database access layer for API Manager implemented with querying through database data.

Hope above will help to you.






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