Borrowing just about all of Yawar's helpful answer, I have the following:
$cat src/
let products = [|
{name: "Football", price: 49.99},
{name: "Basebll", price: 1.99},
{name: "Poker", price: 33.99}
<ProductTable products />
$cat src/
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("ProductRow");
let echo = ReasonReact.stringToElement;
let make = (~name: string, ~price: float, _) => {
render: (_) => {
<td>{price |> string_of_float |> echo}</td>
$cat src/
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("ProductTable");
let echo = ReasonReact.stringToElement;
let make = (~products, _) => {
render: (_) => {
let productRows = products
|>{name, price}) => <ProductRow key=name name price />)
|> ReasonReact.arrayToElement;
I'm getting the following compile-time error:
7 ┆ render: (_) => {
8 ┆ let productRows = products
9 ┆ |>{name, price}) => <ProductRow key=name name price />
10 ┆ |> ReasonReact.arrayToElement;
11 ┆
Unbound record field name
How can I fix this compile-time error?
The Reason compiler will infer a lot of types for you but for records, you have to first declare what fields it has (and their types) ahead of time.
Pulling from @yawar's helpful answer, you simply need to include the type definition at the top of your file:
type product = {name: string, price: float};
With that, the compiler will be able to tell that
is of typearray(product)
and should continue along happily from there. Give it a try here