I want to get parameter from a URL under portlet environment. The URL i am using to open a portlet is http://localhost:10039/wps/myportal/myPortlet?recId=100
When the portlet opens the URL changes and looks like *http://localhost:10039/wps/myportal/myPortlet/!ut/p/b1/dY7LcoIwAAC_hQ9wElQSckwJ8lLEgjxyYbDTBAQMgkXHr7ft9Nq97cweFnBQmEhfGUtMdJADfqnmRla3Rl2q7sc5Kt_I0d1RxCCOyAZ6EQl8a29CSA3gAy47dfpOU1aoB1NUMsrEerIUz7lu0vma1pY9hNTZRbXZx8jYP8-SBSv_OibxLD66fnwvknYom9xPMzkK9awT_3Ru6i8Wt5SLA7GDTXtPt5OdGYMkd2wnDorD6UHKm8SqrwpRCb6YD5oGMsB_ly2Humu8hdA0TB161D1iFLMlpKu_AP4DhSB0Vf8Jeu4Qb0G1F8FgaxU!/dl4/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/?recId=100*
The actuall thing is I want to get recID=100 parameter. The code i am using to get parameter is given below
PortletRequest portletRequest = (PortletRequest) webAppAccess.getHttpServletRequest().getAttribute( Constants.PORTLET_REQUEST);
HttpServletRequest httpRequest = PortletUtils.getInternalRequest(portletRequest).getHttpServletRequest();
but it returns null
Can anyone help me how can i get the parameter under the given situation?
Note : I am using WebSphere Portal Server 7.
I had this scenario before, and someone suggested me to use Portlet utilities, you can find this class in "com.ibm.ws.portletcontainer.portlet" pakcage, there are a lot of constructors(RenderRequest, ActionRequest, PortletRequest, ...), this is the method(PortletUtils.getHttpServletRequest(YOUR NEEDED OBJECT)) you can find your needs.
Well, its not that easy.
You have to generate specific urls. WebSphere Portal Advanced Url Generation and How to create a link to a portlet and pass parameters.