I'm creating winrt universal project for mobile and tablet.
I want to check:
In mobile application, I am sending a sms text to sms application like this.
var message = new ChatMessage();
message.Body = "R*" + voucherNo + "*" + accountNo + "*" + pin;
await ChatMessageManager.ShowComposeSmsMessageAsync(message);
I want to place a check above that whether user has inserted sim card or using mobile with out sim card. Well app is not crashing due to this so this is not a big issue if I couldn't place that check here (as I have already searched alot about it but got nothing so I'm assuming that it is not possible right not in winrt to check sim card availability), but a link of documentation/blog/SO question regarding this where it is mentioned that you can't check sim card availability would be helpful.
Just enter this code and Simavailable will be true if phone hase sim card.