I'm starting to develop and android app using Cordova 5.0.0 (cordova -v prints 5.0.0), and testing it on a Moto Razr D1 with Android 4.1.2. Under Windows 7, btw.
cordova build
and manually copying the platforms/android/build/output/apk/android-degug.apk to the SD and installing works fine.
cordova emulate android
runs fine on emulator with android version >4.1.2
cordova run android
builds successfully, says using apk platforms/android/build/output/apk/android-debugger.apk, which seems ok, installing app, launching and LAUNCH SUCCESS. however as you can see in this screenshot
This "WALLPAPER/MANAGE/SETTINGS" thing happens, and that's it.
If I execute:
cordova emulate android
On an emulator with Android 4.1.2 Jelly, an equal output
Total time: 6.352 secs
Built the following apk(s):
Installing app on emulator...
Using apk: C:\android\Some\platforms\android\build\outputs\apk\android-debug.apk
Launching application...
same "WALLPAPAER/MANAGE/SETTINGS", here's another screenshot Emulator Screenshot
Any ideas how to solve this issue? Thanks in advance...
PS: If I've installed the apk previously, the Razr will startup the old version, instead of the WALLPAPER/MANAGE/SETTINGS thing. So I have to uninstall it before trying to run the cordova run commands.
The solution is: edit emulator.js under platforms\android\cordova\lib
Go to line 311 and comment out the line
and paste new line
it works.
Try to use simple -
If there is no conencted device it will show "No target specified and no devices found, deploying to emulator" and will launch the emulator.
Changing the code in device.js and emulator.js didn't work for me (and in fact introduced an error where
cordova build android
wouldn't work anymore). My problem was completely different: I had two<application>
s in my AndroidManifest.xml which is apparently not allowed.Somewhere along the line I had added
<application android:debuggable="true" />
to my AndroidManifest.xml. However, that file already had an "application" element that looked like this:<application android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name" android:supportsRtl="true">
So I added the "debuggable" line to the existing
(and removed the second<application>
) like so:<application android:debuggable="true" android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name" android:supportsRtl="true">
After that I rebuilt using
cordova build android
, ran it successfully on my device withcordova run android
, and then clapped my hands and scared my dog.HOWEVER, even if this isn't your issue, here's how I discovered the problem: I followed the instructions in jojo's answer and ran
adb logcat
with my device connected. That terminal tab immediately filled up with interminable crap.Then I opened a new terminal window that I could view at the same time, I took note of the latest timestamp in the logcat output, and I ran
cordova run android
. The screen filled up with more crap, and then once things calmed down I scrolled back up to my starting time and reviewed it line by line. Eventually I found my culprit:PackageParser: <manifest> has more than one <application>
Hope this helps!
I met the same problem (Cordova "hello world" app won't display) and found a way to pass through it (but I don't really understand the underlying causes).
Problem seemed to occur when installing the apk. On Cordova 5.0.0, adb commands to install the apk can be found at line 101 of file platforms\android\cordova\lib\device.js (and at line 311 of platforms\android\cordova\lib\emulator.js for cordova emulate android):
adb -s ' + resolvedTarget.target + ' install -r -d "' + apk_path + '"
Current command returns to me: "Error: unknown option -d"!
If you simply delete the "-d" option, applications run normally with cordova run android.
Plus, here is the opened issue on apache cordova issue tracker
for me this trick worked perfectly by removing the -d
but i had to install the apk manullay for the first time by transferring to phone and then i was able to run the app directly using ionic run android
hope this helps someone
For those using Cordova 6.1.1 and having similar problem of not opening/installing the app, what worked for me was to run
ionic emulate android
once to open the android emulator with a home screen. Then, in another terminal window run againionic emulate android
which installed the application on the already opened emulator and everything worked normally.Found similar problem in here: https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/ionic-serve-works-correctly-ionic-emulate-android-just-displays-android-emulator-home-screen/53524/6