I am trying to cleanup some data in the form of a list by using split_string
on every element on the list.
Let me give you an example of what I mean
The result I expect after cleanup:
[p1, p2, 100, Storgatan],
[p1, p3, 200, Lillgatan],
[p2, p4, 100, Nygatan],
[p3, p4, 50, Kungsgatan],
[p4, p5, 150, Kungsgatan]
I have tried to write a predicate that does this but for some reason my predicate won't return a result (output is just 'true'):
data_cleanup([], Res).
data_cleanup([H|T], Res):-
split_string(H, "\t", "", L),
append([L], Res, NewRes),
data_cleanup(T, NewRes).
I am quite new to Prolog so I am having a hard time figuring out what I've done wrong here. Help?
Try like this:
Now it does something:
Exercise: define this predicate using
.EDIT: or if you are anyway using SWI-Prolog, and if you prefer atoms and not strigs, you could use
:and then