Matlab: change order of entries in Figure legend

2019-07-24 17:57发布

I have a Figure file where I would like to change the order of the entries (e.g., put the first entry as third one). I saved this Figure.fig long time ago so I am not sure if I can recover the original code.

Here I show you my plot:

My plot

I want the legend elements to be in a decreasing order ( as in the picture) but due to a mistake my second entry is referring to the wrong plot (it says "25 years" but the plot is actually referred to the lowest trend, corresponding to the "9 years" trend).

Can I switch the order of the entries in the Legend directly from the Properties Editor of the Figure in Matlab? If yes, how (I did not see any "Order" property or similar)? Otherwise is there any other simple approach to switch the order of the entries in the Legend?

2楼-- · 2019-07-24 18:26

Another alternative for those using a version of MATLAB older than R2014b is to retrieve the handles to the plot objects by specifying an output to plot. You can then re-arrange the handles in the order you want prior to passing them to legend.

x = 1:10;
y1 = x;
y2 = 2*x;
y3 = 3*x;
y4 = x.^2;

hplots = plot(x, y1, x, y2, x, y3, x, y4);
labels = {'y = x', 'y = 2*x', 'y = 3*x', 'y = x.^2'};

% Indices specifying the order in which you want the legend entries to appear
neworder = [3 1 4 2];
legend(hplots(neworder), labels(neworder));


To properly handle when loading from a file, you can get all of the Children of the axes to get the plot objects and get the current legend to get the labels. You can then reorder them similar to the above approach.


labels = get(legend(), 'String');
plots = flipud(get(gca, 'children'));

% Now re-create the legend
neworder = [3 1 4 2];
legend(plots(neworder), labels(neworder))
3楼-- · 2019-07-24 18:36

If your figure was generated in R2014b or newer you can utilize the undocumented 'PlotChildren' property to manipulate the order of the legend entries without requiring a new legend call.

For example:

x = 1:10;
y1 = x;
y2 = 2*x;
y3 = 3*x;
y4 = x.^2;

plot(x, y1, x, y2, x, y3, x, y4);
lh = legend('y = x', 'y = 2*x', 'y = 3*x', 'y = x.^2');



Which you can then manipulate:

neworder = [3, 1, 4, 2];
lh.PlotChildren = lh.PlotChildren(neworder);



If you don't have the handle to the legend object, it is a child of the figure object containing the axes object your data is plotted on. You can find the handle to your legend object using one of the following findobj approaches:

% Handle to figure object known
lg = findobj(figureobj, 'Type', 'legend');

% Handle to figure object unknown
lh = findobj(gcf, 'Type', 'legend');

Note that gcf generally returns the handle to the last figure that the user clicked on, but this is not necessarily always the case.

Self promotion edit: This method is included in a set of legend manipulation tools maintained on GitHub by the StackOverflow MATLAB community.

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