I am testing a react component using Enzyme and I'm getting the following error:
Invariant Violation: dangerouslyRenderMarkup(...): Cannot render markup in a worker thread. Make sure
are available globally before requiring React when unit testing or use ReactDOMServer.renderToString for server rendering
I added the following setup for jsdom, before requiring 'enzyme' (as I read in few places):
const baseMarkup = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title></title></head><body></body></html>';
const window = require('jsdom').jsdom(baseMarkup).defaultView;
global.window = window;
global.document = window.document;
global.navigator = window.navigator;
const React = require('react');
const {mount} = require('enzyme');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const SortableInput = require('../../../src/components/sortableInput/sortableInput').default;
What am I doing wrong here?
I don't think it is related to server side rendering. The message is general about unit testing and server side rendering.
In one of my project, this is the code to initialise JSDOM, and it is working fine.
The before() is a root hook for Mocha. It runs before the beginning of all tests.
One more not so obvious reason for the same error is the
method from Enzyme:According to enzyme guide now it is better to avoid this method:
Answering my own question, in case someone have the same issue. This was what eventually worked for me: