I am trying to place a form on top of a Responsive Image, and I want to get the form to also be responsive and resize in relation to the image
Currently the image is responsive but I cannot get the form to be stick in one place on the image and resize in its same position
Is that possible?
Current Code: http://www.codeply.com/go/FFgsRfictx
The following is only correspond to your form section of the page you have provided.
I have removed the image element and used the resource link as the background-image of the form element. The form fields are wrapped with bootstrap classes.
a min-height has been set on the form element to prevent too much distortion of your background image.
see it in Codepen
Edit: Just a bit of thought on image. if you want to use a background for your form. you should do up the form first, and find out the size of that form and shape up your image to that proportion.
Try like this: