I am now learning to work with pivot tables: https://laravel.com/docs/4.2/eloquent#working-with-pivot-tables
I have WeeklyRoutine
model. Each routine has several Activities. The assigned activities are attached in a pivot table activity_routine
Relation defined in the WeeklyRoutine
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Activity', 'activity_routine', 'routine_id', 'activity_id')->withPivot('done_at')->withTimestamps();
it looks like this:
// activity_routine pivot table (relevant columns only)
| id | activity_id | routine_id | done_at |
| 34 | 1 | 4 | 2016-04-23 09:27:27 | // *1
| 35 | 2 | 4 | null | // *2
*1 this activity is marked as done with the code below *2 this activity is not yet done
what I have:
I can update the done_at
field in the pivot table, thus making it marked as DONE for the given week (a weeklyroutine_id = 4 in the above code
public function make_an_activity_complete($routineid, $activityid) {
$date = new \DateTime;
$object = Routine::find($routineid)->activities()->updateExistingPivot($activityid, array('done_at' => $date));
return 'done!';
what I need
I want to UN-DO an activity. When it is already done, that is when the done_at
is not null
buc contains a date, make it null
In other words I need to do the below switch of value, but the proper way:
$pivot = DB::table('activity_routine')->where('routine_id, $routineid)->where('activity_id, $activityid)->first();
if($pivot->done_at != null) {
$new_val = new \DateTime;
} else {
$new_val = null;
$object = Routine::find($routineid)->activities()->updateExistingPivot($activityid, array('done_at' => $new_val));
How to do it? I have no clue!
Your approach seems fine to me. I would probably do it like this.