I'm developing an Android application which opens a BLE connection between the Android device and a BLE pheripheral (a simple transmitter).
The peripheral is programmed to have multiple reading characterics which I found. The problem shows up when I try to enable the notification.
The first always returns true, and than it starts to trigger my notify callback, the others always return a false value.
List<BluetoothGattDescriptor> descrittoriDellaChar = getListaDescrittoriDaCharact(charact);
Boolean status = null;
for (int i = 0; i < descrittoriDellaChar.size(); i++) {
BluetoothGattDescriptor TargetDescriptor = descrittoriDellaChar.get(i);
byte[] valore = TargetDescriptor.getValue();
if (valore != BluetoothGattDescriptor.ENABLE_NOTIFICATION_VALUE) {
boolean success=false;
while(success==false) {
success = gattGlobale.writeDescriptor(TargetDescriptor);
status = gattGlobale.setCharacteristicNotification(charact, true);
boolean prio= gattGlobale.requestConnectionPriority(gattGlobale.CONNECTION_PRIORITY_HIGH);
I was using the same method since I had just 1 characteristic to read, and now it doesn't work anymore.
Sending read and write requests one after one other synchronously does not work since android only allows one pending GATT operation at a time (that's the reason it returns false). You must somehow enqueue the work and continue sending the next request once the callback (onCharacteristicRead/onCharacteristicWrite/onDescriptorWrite) of the previous request arrives.