Using rails 4, when I want to render a form (with simple_form) from an object Document::Document I have this error: undefined method document_type_id for #<Document::Document:0x007fada4a50240>
Here a part of my model:
class Document::Document < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :document_type, -> {include(:translations)}, :class_name => 'Document::Type'
The method new of my controller:
def new
@document =
And a part of the form with simple_form:
=f.association :document_type, prompt: t('document.documents.form.choose_document_type'), collection: Document::Type.includes(:translations)
The error:
undefined method `document_type_id' for #<Document::Document:0x007fada4a50240>
Extracted source (around line #14):
11 .row
12 =f.input :language, collection: languages_list, prompt: t("document.documents.form.choose_language"), label_html: tooltip(t('document.documents.forms.tooltips.language')), wrapper_html: {class: 'columns large-4'}, input_html: {class: 's2'}
13 =f.input :study_level, prompt: t('document.documents.form.choose_study_level'), label_html: tooltip(t('document.documents.forms.tooltips.study_level')), wrapper_html: {class: 'columns large-4'}, input_html: {class: 's2'}
14 =f.association :document_type, prompt: t('document.documents.form.choose_document_type'), collection: Document::Type.includes(:translations), label_html: tooltip(t('document.documents.forms.tooltips.type')), wrapper_html: {class: 'columns large-4'}, input_html: {class: 's2'}
15 -#=f.association :domains, collection: Domain.includes(:translations).order('name ASC'), label_html: tooltip(t('')), input_html: {class: 's2'}
16 .form-actions
17 =f.button :submit, t('document.documents.form.submit')
Why this error ?
I upgraded from rails 3.2. Before everything works great.
In rails 3.2 I had added that:
attr_accessible :document_type_id, ...
Maybe the error is coming from there
Sorry for the inconvenient.
It was an issue with migration. Someone else changed the migration file and the field
was no more present in the table of the database.It took me a while until I find this stupid issue.
Thanks for the reply and apologise
Check the version of the simple_form Gem. Should be >= 3.0.0 Not sure how the simple_form gem works, but rails 4 doesn't use attr_accessible anymore (still, you can install the gem, but it's likely to be deprecated soon)
Rails 4 now uses Strong Parameters. Basically works like this: you define in a private method in the controller which parameters are whitelisted to be used, so if your document_type_id is not in the list it is ignored.
Rails 4 scaffold generator automatically adds this method and accepts all params by default if you want to see what it looks like.
Hope it helps!