I’ve been playing with sprite text labels and more specifically with this example: http://stemkoski.github.io/Three.js/Sprite-Text-Labels.html and I was just wondering if it is possible to somehow assign an id to a sprite variable so that when the sprite is clicked on, an action occurs?
In my example “Hello“ and “World” are two separate variables:
var spriteHello = makeTextSprite ( "Hello",
{ fontsize: 24, borderColor: {r:255, g:0, b:0, a:1.0},
backgroundColor: {r:255, g:100, b:100, a:0.8} } );
scene.add( spriteHello );
var spriteWorld = makeTextSprite ( "World",
{ fontsize: 32, fontface: "Georgia",
borderColor: {r:0, g:0, b:255, a:1.0} } );
scene.add( spriteWorld );
Or is there another way of doing this with using this specific example? Thanks!