This simple code that simply tries to replace semicolons (at i-specified postions) by colons does not work:
for i in range(0,len(line)):
if (line[i]==";" and i in rightindexarray):
It gives the error
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
How can I work around this to replace the semicolons by colons? Using replace does not work as that function takes no index- there might be some semicolons I do not want to replace.
In the string I might have any number of semicolons, eg "Hei der! ; Hello there ;!;"
I know which ones I want to replace (I have their index in the string). Using replace does not work as I'm not able to use an index with it.
If you are replacing by an index value specified in variable 'n', then try the below:
You can do the below, to replace any char with a respective char at a given index, if you wish not to use
This should cover a slightly more general case, but you should be able to customize it for your purpose
Hope this helps