I have Windows Server 2003 (IIS 6.0) and Windows Server 2008 (IIS 7.0) servers, and I use MSBuild for deploying web applications.
I need to do a safe deploy, and do this:
Stop a website in IIS 6 (or an Application in IIS 7), not stop AppPool.
Check if the website is stopped; not running.
If the website is stopped, do another task for deploy.
Start the website IIS 6 (or Application in IIS 7),
How can I achieve this?
Update: Key for me: IIS6WebSite and IIS6AppPool (and for IIS7), do wait for stopped status when try Stop Website or AppPool?
When I execute Stop Action for Website (or Stop Action for AppPool), I need be sure 100% that Website is stopped, and then, and only if Website is Stopped, I can execute other targets.
Write a script, e.g. PowerShell, which will stop/start IIS web site programmatically relying on command-line argument, e.g.
start-stop.ps1 /stop 1
Put it into MsBuild script as a custom step
Check this to find out how to restart IIS AppPool
IIS WMI objects reference
By adding a reference to
(which can be found inX:\Windows\System32\inetsrv
, or your systems equivalent) you can achieve nice managed control of the situation with IIS7, as sampled below:Obviously tailor this to your own requirements and through your deployment build script execute the resulting application.
Enjoy. :)
So you have your answer above for IIS7. What you're missing is IIS6. So here you go. This is using a COM interop object as that's all that is available for IIS 6. Also, because it's in vb, you'll have to figure out how to convert it. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/16686/A-C-alternative-for-the-Visual-Basic-GetObject-fun should get you on the right track. you could also create a vb project just for this code but that's kind of silly.