I know Internet Explorer 8 allows cross-domain XHR from LOCAL files, but what about other browsers? I'd like to know about what versions/OS this will work on (if any) for each of the major 5 browsers. Please include any workarounds like Chrome's --disable-web-security
well here is a nice blog abt cross domain requests: http://caffeinelab.net/2011/02/08/cross-domain-requests-state-of-the-browsers/
and here is how you do it in FFX: http://dirolf.com/2007/06/enabling-cross-domain-ajax-in-firefox.html
Not sure about safari, but Chrome has a command line switch for this:
Keep in mind when you enable this you are risking your security when you visit other sites. so be careful
hope this helps
In Safari you can enable the Develop menu (Safari → Preferences → Advanced → Show Develop menu in menu bar). There you can disable cross-origin restrictions (Develop → Disable Cross-Origin Restrictions).