I'm using a PHP proxy script to load images from Facebook into Flash without any sandbox violations. It is taken from the guide here: http://www.permadi.com/blog/2010/12/loading-facebook-profile-picture-into-flash-swf-using-open-graph-api/. The relevant PHP code is:
if (stristr($path, "fbcdn.")==FALSE && stristr($path, "facebook.")==FALSE)
echo "ERROR";
header("Content-Description: Facebook Proxied File");
header("Content-Type: image");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$path);
The guide mentions that additional security measures are recommended for a real world application. What additional measures would be applicable to this? Maybe some kind of key passed from Flash to PHP?
I realise that there's nothing I can do to completely protect the Flash from being decompiled, but can I prevent the script from being used maliciously?
You should restrict the proxy to fetching image files from Facebook. You current "protection" will allow for example this URL:
to lower the incentives to use your script for hotlinking. If the HTTP_REFERER is non-empty, check that it's actually your site in there. This will mostly protect you from bandwidth thieves.Also consider caching the file data on your proxy server to speed up multiple calls to the same file.
These are a few of the things to keep in mind. You may reveal more if you put some thought into it.