I want to write text in (right to left language i.e. Arabic) in a TextView. But I want to make the text writing direction from right to left. gravity:right
will align the text to right only. I want to justify the text from right to left ( to make the words and numbers appear in he entered order in the line ) . how ?
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best way textDirection for TextView, Don't use layoutDirection
Too late , but the
worked.Try using
set this line in xml for textview :
Just put this property in your TextView and everything will workout just fine it will automatically detect your text and change accordingly
By using attributes as below in my xml code strangely I got a right to left text with correct punctuation. But this is not a perfect solution for multi language text:
setting ltr corrects punctuation problems like having dot on right side instead of left.
gravity attribute makes text flow from right to left.