I have this issue while filtering or searching through a collection
http://laravel.io/bin/vj115 check the url for code.
What i am trying to do is filter a collection by get method (from url ofcourse)
But only it only works when Input::get('category')
has value else nothing works.
Could you please check the code and let me know what need to be fixed?
===== Real Code just incase the link is broken in future (edited)=============
public function anyIndex() {
$id = Input::get('id');
$brand = Brand::firstOrNew(array('id' => $id));
$paginate = Misc::getSettings('admin-pagination');
$page_no = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
$i = ($paginate * $page_no) - ($paginate - 1);
$appends = false;
$newBrands = new Brand;
if (Input::get('category')) {
$brandCat = BrandCategory::find(Input::get('category'));
$newBrands = $brandCat->brands();
$appends['category'] = Input::get('category');
if (Input::get('status')) {
$status = Input::get('status') == 'published' ? 1 : 0;
$newBrands->where('is_active', '=', $status);
$appends['status'] = Input::get('status');
if (Input::get('order_by') || Input::get('order')) {
if (Input::get('order_by')) {
$order_by = Input::get('order_by');
$appends['order_by'] = Input::get('order_by');
} else {
$order_by = 'name';
if (Input::get('order')) {
$order = Input::get('order');
$appends['order'] = Input::get('order');
} else {
$order = 'asc';
$order = Input::get('order') ? Input::get('order') : 'asc';
$newBrands->orderBy($order_by, $order);
$brands = $newBrands->paginate($paginate);
$brand_categories_list = new BrandCategory;
$selected_cats = array();
if ($id != "") {
$selected_cats = $brand->categories->lists('id');
return View::make('admin.brands.index')
'selected_cats' => $selected_cats,
'brand' => $brand,
'brands' => $brands,
'brand_categories_list' => $brand_categories_list->lists('name', 'id'),
'appends' => $appends,
'i' => $i
Thanks to Dave.. I solved it as :
public function anyIndex() {
$id = Input::get('id');
$brand = Brand::firstOrNew(array('id' => $id));
$paginate = Misc::getSettings('admin-pagination');
$page_no = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
$i = ($paginate * $page_no) - ($paginate - 1);
$appends = false;
if (Input::has('category')) {
$brandCat = BrandCategory::find(Input::get('category'));
$newBrands = $brandCat->brands();
$appends['category'] = Input::get('category');
} else {
$newBrands = Brand::limit(-1);
if (Input::has('status')) {
$status = Input::get('status') == 'published' ? 1 : 0;
$newBrands->where('is_active', '=', $status);
$appends['status'] = Input::get('status');
if (Input::has('order_by') || Input::has('order')) {
if (Input::has('order_by')) {
$order_by = Input::get('order_by');
$appends['order_by'] = Input::get('order_by');
} else {
$order_by = 'name';
if (Input::has('order')) {
$order = Input::get('order');
$appends['order'] = Input::get('order');
} else {
$order = 'asc';
$order = Input::get('order') ? Input::get('order') : 'asc';
$newBrands->orderBy($order_by, $order);
$newBrands->orderBy('name', 'asc');
$brands = $newBrands->paginate($paginate);
/* $queries = DB::getQueryLog();
$last_query = end($queries);
dd($last_query); */
$brand_categories_list = new BrandCategory;
$selected_cats = array();
if ($id != "") {
$selected_cats = $brand->categories->lists('id');
return View::make('admin.brands.index')
'selected_cats' => $selected_cats,
'brand' => $brand,
'brands' => $brands,
'brand_categories_list' => $brand_categories_list->lists('name', 'id'),
'appends' => $appends,
'i' => $i)
I suspect it has to do with how you are using Eloquent. You can't simply apply methods to the object if it was created using the "new" keyword.
It will work if you create it statically along with a method.
Fluent (DB) works the same way.