when i try to set the minifyEnabled to true and try to sync gradle file i receive the follwoing error:
Error:Cause: com/android/build/gradle/tasks/AndroidProGuardTask
why i am receiving this error and how to solve it, I cant enable proGaurd in Android Studio.
buildTypes {
debug {
debuggable true
release {
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
add this to your proguard
in your case use package name of Jama
for example
if you can paste more error or stacktrace I will try to help more
are you using any external library files in your project? If yes, the you need to add -keep in the proguard-rules.pro file. I have added the following code to the file:
my proguard-rules.profile can be found here. You can also make sure the error is because of this by disabling the minifyEnabled to false in the proguard-rules.pro file.