I need summ column values from multiple workbooks and worksheets in single worksheet. If i'm trying do it like this:
While targetCell.Row <> LastRow
targetCell.Value = targetCell.Value + sourseCell.Value
Set sourseCell = sourseSheet.Cells(sourseCell.Row + 1, sourseCell.Column)
Set targetCell = targetSheet.Cells(targetCell.Row + 1, targetCell.Column)
It takes too much time(Hours!!!).
Like this:
targetSheet.Range("D14:BJ" & LastRow).Value = targetSheet.Range("D14:BJ" & LastRow).Value + sourseSheet.Range("D14:BJ" & LastRow).Value
I'm sometimes have error type mismatch
Full code:
For Each foldername In subFolders
If foldername <> ThisWorkbook.path Then
filePath = foldername & fileName
Dim app As New Excel.Application
app.Visible = False
Dim book As Excel.Workbook
Set book = app.Workbooks.Add(filePath)
For Each targetSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
Dim sourseSheet As Worksheet
Set sourseSheet = book.Worksheets(targetSheet.Name)
Call CopyColumn(targetSheet, sourseSheet, LastRow)
book.Close SaveChanges:=False
Set app = Nothing
End If
Sub CopyColumn(targetSheet, sourseSheet As Worksheet, LastRow As Integer)
Dim sourseCell, targetCell As Range
Set targetCell = targetSheet.Cells(14,"D")
Set sourseCell = sourseCell.Cells(14,"CH")
While targetCell.Row <> LastRow
targetCell.Value = targetCell.Value + sourseCell.Value
Set sourseCell = sourseSheet.Cells(sourseCell.Row + 1, sourseCell.Column)
Set targetCell = targetSheet.Cells(targetCell.Row + 1, targetCell.Column)
End Sub
Copying the ranges to
arrays is quite fast. Your subroutine amended and commented below:Testing:
Result:![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/H9a93.png)
Relevant SO question here
I hope that helps!
for fast non-VBA solution, open all workbooks and insert following formula into a helper sheet:
copy the formula to cover whole range you need to cover.
copy & paste-special-as-values to target range if you wish to replace the original values in target range..
each time you wish to recalculate, make sure all source workbooks are open.