I'm using gmaps4rails, and I'd like to keep using the auto zoom feature, but in case I only have one marker I'd like to change the zoom, cause the default one is the maximum zoom.
Having read the related question I added this code to my javascript file:
$(function() {
//to address the problem with the zoom being set to maximum when there's only one marker
Gmaps.map.callback = function() {
console.log("in callback");
if (Gmaps.map.markers.length == 1) {
console.log("only one marker");
//only one marker, choose the zoom level you expect
//more than one marker, let's auto_zoom
console.log("more markers");
Gmaps.map.map_options.auto_zoom = true;
And when I read the console output (Safari's Web Inspector), I get both "in callback"
and "only one marker"
, but the map doesn't get zoomed. On the other hand, when I type Gmaps.map.map.setZoom(12)
into the console manually, it zooms out..
Is there maybe some other callback that gets called after this one? Or should I put this code somewhere else?