I was working on Retrieving IP address and client machine name for few days on the internet (not on the local network)
so I found some ways for getting IP-address , but I couldn't find a way for getting client machine name or gathering some info about my web site users ?
I know there are many duplicate threads about this issue out there , but many of them are old or do n't work.
the below server side codes return SERVER NAME Not client computer name !
string UserHost_ComputerName4 = Dns.GetHostName();//Server Name
string UserHost_ComputerName5 = Environment.MachineName;//Server Name
and the below line have error on user-side , but it works on server-side page running :
string UserHost_ComputerName3 = Dns.GetHostEntry(Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]).HostName.ToString();//Has Error
Would you lead me to a possible and workable ways (JavaScript or jQuery or server side) for getting client (users who are visiting my web site) machine name?
Try this:
But if you want Name of Host PC
Not entirely sure on all the ways you can do this, but it would be possible through ActiveX, which could be a problem as that only works in some browsers. I don't believe there is a way you can do it with pure javascript, and it's not possible serverside as the server does not get access to such details of it's connected clients.
As far as I remember, in order to get:
you have to enable
Reverse DNS Lookup
for you IIS.p.s. atm I'm not able to test it myself, so I'm not quite sure if this will solve ur problem