Disclaimer: I've only played with Go for one day now, so there's a good chance I've missed a lot.
Does anybody know why there is no real support for generics/templates/whatsInAName in Go? So there is a generic map
, but that's supplied by the compiler, while a Go programmer can't write her own implementation. With all the talk about making Go as orthogonal as possible, why can I USE a generic type but not CREATE a new one?
Especially when it comes to functional programming, there are lambdas, even closures, but with a static type system lacking generics, how do I write, well, generic higher order functions like filter(predicate, list)
? OK, Linked lists and the like can be done with interface{}
sacrificing type safety.
As a quick search on SO / Google did not reveal any insights, it looks like generics, if at all, will be added to Go as an afterthought. I do trust Thompson to do way better than the Java guys, but why keep generics out? Or are they planned and just not implemented yet?
this answer you will find here: http://golang.org/doc/faq#generics
Go 2
There is a draft design for generics at https://blog.golang.org/go2draft.
Go 1
Russ Cox, one of the Go veterans wrote a blog post entitled The Generic Dilemma, in which he asks
Slow programmers being the result of no generics, slow compilers are caused by C++ like generics and slow execution times stem from the boxing-unboxing approach that Java uses.
The fourth possibility not mentioned in the blog is going the C# route. Generating the specialized code like in C++, but at runtime when it is needed. I really like it, but Go is very unlike C# so this is probably not applicable at all…
I should mention that using the popular Java 1.4 like technique of generic programming in go that casts to
suffers from exactly the same problems as boxing-unboxing (because that's what we are doing), besides the loss of compile time type safety. For small types (like ints) Go optimizes theinterface{}
type so that a list of ints that were cast to interface{} occupies a contiguous area of memory and takes only twice as much space as normal ints. There is still the overhead of runtime checks while casting frominterface{}
, though. Reference.All projects that add generic support to go (there is several of them and all are interesting) uniformly go the C++ route of compile time code generation.
Even though generics are not currently built-in, there are several external implementations of generics for go, that uses comments in combinations with small utilities that generate code.
Here is one such implementation: http://clipperhouse.github.io/gen/