I'm using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbooks.Open() method for opening an .XML file and then using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook.ExportAsFixedFormat() method for publishing (saving) the opened .XML file as a .PDF file.
Now on my Development and Preproduction environments everything is working well, but on our Production server it's seems that when the call for Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbooks.Open() is made the method execution is then sopped or even not executed.. (W/O any exception or any error that I can be aware of, even not in my log file or in the event viewer..) and eventually there is no .PDF file saved anywhere obviously.
Here is my code:
using ExcelApp = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
public static void ToPdf()
// Declare the Excel Application object and set it in null state
ExcelApp.Application activeExcel = null;
// Declare the Workbook to be used within the Excel Application object
ExcelApp.Workbook openWorkBook = null;
// Used for passing parameter for the attribute of opening the .XML file
object tMiss = Type.Missing;
// .XML file location
string xmlPathName = "C:/Windows/Temp/XmlFile.xml";
// Instanitating the Excel.Application to a new valid Instance object
activeExcel = new ExcelApp.Application();
// Open Excel as Hiden
activeExcel.Visible = false;
// Open Excel w/o alerts
activeExcel.DisplayAlerts = false;
// Log this line
LogTxt.LogCreator("Set Excel GUI to be open Hiden with no Alerts");
// Open an Excel instance and passing the .XML file Path
openWorkBook = activeExcel.Workbooks.Open(xmlPathName, 0, false, tMiss, tMiss,
tMiss, true, tMiss, tMiss, tMiss,
true, tMiss, false, false);
// Log this line
LogTxt.LogCreator("Excel Application Opend");
// Publishing the opened workbook (.xml file) as .pdf file
openWorkBook.ExportAsFixedFormat(ExcelApp.XlFixedFormatType.xlTypePDF, pdfPathName);
// Log this line
LogTxt.LogCreator("Excel to .PDF published");
catch (Exception ee)
LogTxt.LogCreator(string.Format("Error is {0}", ee.InnerException.Message));
// Flag for finding the Excel process or not
//bool foundExcel = false;
if (openWorkBook != null)
// Closing the workbook
openWorkBook.Close(false, tMiss, tMiss);
// here we say that this object is not going to be called anymore
if (activeExcel != null)
// Closing the Excel
// here we say that this object is not going to be called anymore
// Log this line
LogTxt.LogCreator("Excel Procces Closed");
// Calling to GC go through all gen
// Stops the corrent thread untill the Finalizers empty the queue
// Calling the GC to go through all gen
Note - I'm logging to my log file so I'll be able to see what line of code is executed after deploy.
I've also ensured that I've the rights for executing COM components in the COM Security tab under Component Services management by adding the \Users and the Network Service users to the Access Permissions Defaults and to Launch and Activation Permissions.
As explained here.
What I'm asking is, if you guys have any idea for understanding what is wrong with the Open() method.
I would look at using this to read an excel file
Then this it will allow you to print to PDF.
its open source and free to use in commercial applications.
Not a complete solution but its a start. Then your not using Com in a server environment