I am new to the concept of empty and null. Whilst I have endeavoured to understand the difference between them, I am more confused. I came across an article at http://www.tutorialarena.com/blog/php-isset-vs-empty.php however I still don't see when you would use isset and empty when validating forms. Seeing that I don't grasp the difference, I don't want to be using the incorrect functions as well as not be able to use the functions in other areas. Can someone give examples that will help me understand? I am very new to coding so would appreciate if someone could give me real world examples and at the same time keep it simply enough for noob to follow.
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returns true if both these conditions are met:A variable is automatically defined when it gets set to something (including null). This has a direct implication in arrays.
From above, you can check if various $_POST fields have been set. For example, a page that has been posted to, stands to reason, has the submit button name in the $_POST field.
on the other hand, tests if the variable holds a non zero value. This means that values that (int) cast to 0, return false too. You can use this to see if a specific $_POST field has data in it.The table below is an easy reference for what these functions will return for different values. The blank spaces means the function returns bool(false).![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/OqxUF.png)
refer this link for more https://www.virendrachandak.com/techtalk/php-isset-vs-empty-vs-is_null/
This concept can be better understood from mathematics. Have you ever tried dividing a number (not zero) by 0 using a calculator e.g 7/0? You will get a result that looks like something this:
,not a number
etc. This means that the operation is impossible, for some reasons (let's leave those reasons to be discussed another day).Now, perform this: 0/7. You will get the output, 0. This means that the operation is possible and can be executed, but you the answer is just 0 because nothing is left after the division. There is a valid output and that output is zero.
In the first example, not only was the output invalid, the operation was not possible to execute. This is akin to
. The second example is akin toempty