I'm trying to make a simple 3-column TableView:
- One icon column containing a fixed size icon. This column must not be resizable, and must have a fixed size.
- One text column with a predefined prefered size, which can be resized if needed.
- One last column taking all available space.
Unfortunatly, this simple use case seems to be really complicated with Java FX 8. I tried the following, which should work according to my understanding of the documentation:
TableColumn<DebuggerItem, ImageView> iconColumn = new TableColumn<>("ICON");
TableColumn<DebuggerItem, String> typeColumn = new TableColumn<>("TEXT");
TableColumn<DebuggerItem, String> textColumn = new TableColumn<>("DATA");
// Fixed size column
// Predefined preferred size of 100px
getColumns().addAll(iconColumn, typeColumn, textColumn);
This results in the following TableView:
We can see that if the first column has a correct size, the second and the hird have the same size, which is not what I expected. The second column should be 100px wide, and the last one take the rest of the space.
What did I miss ?
According to @kleopatra link, the solution is to use properties to compute last column width, and NOT use
:Which, according to my example give the following Java code:
Please note that we need to substract 2 pixels to get the exact width, it's not clear why.
I created a more general solution, that pixel-perfectly calculates width of last column for TableViews that:
Usage: bindLastColumnWidth(tableView);