I made a small code for panning in yAxis, but its a little slow. it becomes faster if I increase the value of tickInterval. But the downside is that with increased tickInterval, the code starts working oddly when I drag the mouse for less than the tickInterval size (try changing tickInterval to 500 in my fiddle and then drag mouse for a minute increment.
My link to jsfiddle.
Pertinent Code:
var mouseY;
.mousedown(function(event) {
.mousemove(function(e) {
var wasDragging = isDragging;
if (wasDragging) {
if(yVar!=0) {
.mouseup(function (e) {
isDragging = false;
Will also appreciate if someone can provide an alternate route to converting pixels (e.pageY) to y co-ordinate. As you can see in code, currently I am doing a workaround.
EDIT I included translate function in this jsfiddle and have put logic such that the panning happens only at mouseup and not at mousemove. The issue I am currently facing is that if the drag is less than tick interval, not only does the code pan, but it also zooms. I presume its happening because the change in yAxis min and max occurs at a floor for min and ceiling for max.
There are a few problems here. Firstly, when you call setExtremes, your range gets bigger ( causing the zoom effect). This is because you are not moving by an exact tick interval. You can cure this by setting set/end on tick on the y axis to false:
The way to convert pixels to coordinates is to use 'translate'. I changed your first jsfiddle as follows: http://jsfiddle.net/uLHCx/
You can change the scroll amount by changing the calculation of yVarDelta.
Note, I put a range check on the yVar so that we don't redisplay unless the mouse has moved a given amount, and reset the valu of mouseY.
This may not do exactly what you want, but it should be enough for you to modify it as required.