Iam trying to use Format-Table to print some process data. I started with testing the output directly in the shell. Something along the lines of (Get-Process is just a substitute for my data):
Get-Process | Format-Table ProcessName, Id
The problem is that the first column has some larger cells and i needed to set up some formatting like this:
$tableFormat = @{Expression={$_.ProcessName}; width=70}, @{Expression={$_.Handles}};
Get-Process | Format-Table $tableFormat
In both cases, the output looked fine inside the shell. This is an example with $tableFormat:
DeviceDisplayObjectProvider 240
dllhost 198
dwm 78
explorer 1077
explorer 599
fpassist 61
Idle 0
inetinfo 409
InetMgr 314
lsass 1132
lsm 167
mqsvc 235
msdtc 152
MsDtsSrvr 165
notepad++ 249
Opc.Ua.ComServerWrapper 526
Opc.Ua.DiscoveryServer 530
OpcEnum 85
OPCSim 204
pageant 111
powershell 489
powershell_ise 442
PresentationFontCache 151
procexp 183
ReportingServicesService 693
services 302
smss 30
SMSvcHost 298
SMSvcHost 151
When i attempt to print the table to the default printer like this
Get-Process | Format-Table $tableFormat | lp
The result has broken columns (taken from a pdf printer, real output looks the same):
Other things I've tried so far:
- Set the column alignment for all columns explicitly to left
- autoSize(makes things worse)
This problem might be related to my previous question, when i still tried to manually format the table with tabs. See: Why does Powershell Out-Printer ignore `f (new page) in text?
At first glance, this looks like a font problem. It may or may not be, but it's at least worth checking this out. In some fonts, all characters are the same width. In others, each character may have a unique width.
The console interface to powershell typically uses a fixed width font. The formatting you get from format-table may assume that all characters are the same width. If you print it on a printer with a variable width font, you'll get output like what you have shown us.
You may be able to check this out by somehow specifying to your printer that a fixed width font is to be used. "Courier" is one such font. I can't tell you how to do that in your case, because I don't know the particulars.
If my guess is on target, then specifying a fixed width font should make the columns look aligned again.
Another thing to check out is where the tab stops are set.