Really simple code that just fires one pcap (packet) using scapy,
If I just want to do simple cgi-bin POSTS to myself to run a set of 10 easy tests why is this just kicking back as text (rather than a website). If I comment out the line
sendp(a, iface="em1")
Then the below code actually generates the website fine... but it won't actually send the packet, I imagine this is something with stdout.... suggestions are welcome!
from scapy.all import *
#import v6tester_main
print "Content-type:text/html\r\n\r\n"
print '<html>'
print '<head>'
print '<title>NPD Automation Tool - GCT-USG</title>'
print '</head>'
print '<body>'
print '<font> NPD Automation Tool </font>'
a = Ether() / IP() / IPv6() / ICMPv6EchoRequest()
sendp(a, iface="em1")
print '<br>'
print '<font>End of Test</font>'
print '</body>'
print '</html>'
If I view source I see this->
<title>NPD Automation Tool - GCT-USG</title>
<font> NPD Automation Tool </font>
Sent 1 packets.
<font>End of Test</font>
Most probably the output of sendp brakes the HTML so bad it shows as text, what you can do is try pass verbose=0 to sendp (if the output is not important), or try other verbose level. if the output of sendp is important to you, you can run it in a separate script with subprocess.Popen and try to format the output so it fit in the HTML page.
edit: ops, someone already answered with almost the same
It doesn't appear that you are sending http data(eg Response Headers).
You should be because it is being run off a web server.
As I understand it,
doesn't just echo the package to stdout; it sends it "down the wire" at a lower protocol level. So if you want to send an html header you'll need to wrap it inside a package, not the other way around.But are you sure you need to mess with scapy? If all you want is to send POST requests to a webserver, you can just use
. Put your POST data in the optionaldata
argument, and it will use POST instead of GET for the request.