I am using Meteor 1.3 with android platform and patrickml:braintree@1.32.0 to be able to process in-app payments.
I configured braintree and inserted a Drop-in UI, which is the simplest way to do it.
While testing, if I run it on web (localhost) or with meteor run android-device
with no mobile-server configuration, then the drop in UI is shown on the device.
However, when I try to integrate everything on my hosted server in Digital Ocean and try to test it using:
meteor run android-device --mobile-server=http://example.com
the drop in UI just does not show.
Does it have something to do with the lac of SSL security on my domain?
Is there something I am missing?
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact our support team.
Braintree.js does not support compile-to-native runtimes such as Cordova.
I managed to make it work. Just have to be sure to connect through HTTPS on the mobile server and braintree can provide iFrame through secure connection.