I have a force directed graph with different size nodes. I want to display a custom icon in the middle of each path connecting two nodes. From the d3 examples I found the way to display images within the nodes. However, when I try the same technique on the paths, the images are not shown.
var path = svg.append("svg:g").selectAll("path").data(force.links());
var pathEnter = path.enter().append("svg:path");
pathEnter.attr("class", function(d) {
return "link " + d.target.type;
.attr("x",0).attr("y",0).attr("width",12).attr("height", 12)
.attr("class", "type-icon");
I guess I need a bit more patience before asking a question. The way I solved the problem is:
And then in the tick function:
to get the center point between the two nodes.