I want to integrate Android application with Dynamics CRM 2015 Online and On-Premise.
For online version Connect Android App to Dynamics CRM using Web API this works fine, But ADAL dependency is not supported for OnPremise.
Are there any resources which show the basic steps to access the Microsoft CRM on-premise.
Any sample code around same for connecting to REST endpoint will be helpful.
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Setup IFD for your on-premise deployment.
Authenticate to Microsoft Dynamics 365 with the Web API
Connect to Microsoft Dynamics 365 web services using OAuth
On-Prem using ADAL:
1. On-Prem and Online using Soap
2. On-Prem and Online using ADAL
ADFS is required for on prem. Check this documentation for how to set up the servers. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn531009(v=crm.7).aspx
If this is a one off project for a client it may also be worth creating a .Net based proxy between the app and CRM. That way you can use the .Net SDKs without worrying about losing support