The context is pretty simple, I have a Course model that extends from FriendlyId as follow:
extend FriendlyId
friendly_id :friendly_name, use: [:slugged, :history]
def friendly_name
slugs = [self.type_name,]
slugs << if
slugs << if self.structure
return slugs
And if I create a course with same type, name, city and structure I get the following error:
!! #<ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: PG::Error: ERROR: duplicate key value
violates unique constraint "index_courses_on_slug"
DETAIL: Key (slug)=(cours-sevillanas-copie-paris-12-la-trianera) already exists.
I don't understand why FriendlyId doesn't add a sequence number at the end of the slug... Any suggestion is welcomed.
I have tried to return a string instead of an array in the friendly_name method but the error persists.
Removing :history fixes the problem.
I'have also tried other branches (4.0-stable, 4.1.x) of FriendlyId but it doesn't fixes the problem.
I had the same problem with the :history features: it's because FriendlyId will use a separate table to store slugs, and will not check the existing slug column.
You can create a migration and re-save the whole table to generate missing slugs in the new slugs table.
For example: