I'm using Solr as part of a property booking engine- my entries have a multivalued date field which stores the dates that the property is already booked, and thus, not available. I want to be able to query against this, and return entries that have no dates within the window specified.
I'm half way there- but right now Solr appears to be returning the entry if it has even one free date- I want it to only return entries that are totally empty within the range. Example of my entity:
<arr name="DateBlockDates">
The query works great in this instance:
-DateBlockDates:[2011-02-25T00:00:00Z TO 2011-02-27T00:00:00Z]
Because the entity does have date blocks for every one of those days. However, when I run:
-DateBlockDates:[2011-02-25T00:00:00Z TO 2011-02-28T00:00:00Z]
The entity gets returned, because it doesn't have an entry for 2011-02-28.
To put my question into old-school SQL, I want to do a "count(DateBlockDates) = 0". Any ideas?
This is the best solution I've come up with- not using a range for the date query, and instead using:
It's messy, but it works. Thankfully I'm going to be dealing with relatively small date ranges, so the query won't get too long. But if there is a better solution out there I'd love to hear it.