I am using AngularJS, ui-router and $resource for RESTful webservices.
A button in html view is clicked that calls below function i.e. $scope.login(). Consequently a REST service (through $resource) is called and returns a user in case user/pass are correct,
$scope.login = function() {
email: $scope.user.email,
password: $scope.user.password
},function(user) {
accessmgr.grantAccess(user); //Line of interest - loi1
$state.go('app.dashboard-v1'); //Line of interest2 - loi2
}, function(x) {
if (x.status == 401)
$scope.authError = 'Email or Password not right';
$scope.authError = 'Server Error! Are you connected to internet?';
in case above successfully executes, another factory function (loi1 above) is called to store user instance in $localStorage as below;
myapp.factory('accessmgr', function($localStorage) {
//var User = {};
return {grantAccess: function(usr) {
$localStorage.user = usr;
and ui-router $scope.go(...) takes the user to dashboard.
Problem: Sometimes $state.go(...) executes before accessmgr.grantAccess(...) causing exceptions as the new state reads user from $localStorage that is not yet written. Reload the page manually solves the problem.
Any help would be really appreciated.
ngStorage's $localStorage cannot be referred directly without using watchers (not recommended as per here, alternatively it can to be passed as a reference to hook to $scope as mentioned as recommended approach here.
For me, I was using $localStorage through a factory and I tied it to rootScope as below;
and consequently
localStorage itself works in synchronous manner, but ngStorage's $localstorage doesn't. The latter is intended to be used in conjunction with scope and is tied to Angular digest cycles. My guess is that
may help. ngStorage doesn't really shine when being used like this, probably JS generic library like store.js applies better.
A good alternative is to use model that acts as single source of truth and dumps the data to localStorage under the hood. Depending on the scale of the project, js-data-angular can be considered a solid solution for that.