My metadata is stored in a 8 bit unsigned dataset in a HDF5 file. After importing to DM, it become a 2D image of 1*length dimension. Each "pixel" stores the ASCII value of the corresponding value to the character. For further processing, I have to convert the ASCII array to a single string, and further to TagGroup. Here is the stupid method (pixel by pixel) I currently do:
String Img2Str (image img){
Number dim1, dim2
string out = ""
for (number i=0; i<dim1*dim2; i++)
out += img.getpixel(0,i).chr()
Return out
This pixel-wise operation is really quite slow! Is there any other faster method to do this work?
Yes, there is a better way. You really want to look into the chapter of raw-data streaming:
If you hold raw data in a "stream" object, you can read and write it in any form you like. So the solution to your problem is to
This is the code:
Note that you could create a stream linked to file on disc and, provided you know the starting position in bytes, read from the file directly as well.