I´ve been having this problem for a long time, I´ve searched the internet many times for the solution, tried lots of them but not found an adequate solution.
I really don´t know what to do so if you could please help me I´d be very thankful.
(Sorry for my poor english).
Question: How can I solve the charset incompatibility between the input archive and a MYSql table?
Problem: When importing the archive from on my computer the information appears in my database, but some chars as ('ã', 'ç', 'á', etc..)
are shown as ?
Aditional information
I'm using MYSql, my version and variable status are:
MySQL VERSION : 5.5.10 HOST : localhost USER : root PORT : 3306 SERVER DEFAULT CHARSET : utf8 character_set_client : utf8 character_set_connection : utf8 character_set_database : utf8 character_set_filesystem : BINARY character_set_results : utf8 character_set_server : utf8 character_set_system : utf8 collation_connection : utf8_general_ci collation_database : utf8_general_ci collation_server : utf8_general_ci completion_type : NO_CHAIN concurrent_insert : AUTO
The query that´s being used is:
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'xxxxx/file.txt' INTO TABLE xxxxTable FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';' LINES TERMINATED BY ' ' IGNORE 1 LINES ( status_ordenar,numero,newstatus,rede,data_emissao,inicio,termino,tempo_indisp , cli_afet,qtd_cli_afet,cod_encerr,uf_ofensor,localidades,clientes_afetados , especificacao,equipamentos,area_ofens,descricao_encerr,criticidade,cod_erro , observacao,id_falha_perc,id_falha_conf,nba,solucao,falhapercebida,falhaconfirmada , resp_i,resp_f,resp_ue,pre_handover,falha_identificada,report_netcool,tipo_falha , num_notificacao,equip_afetados,descricao)
About the file being imported: I´ve opened the file with open office whith 3 charsets:
UTF8 - Gave me strange chars in place of the 'ç', 'ã', etc...
ISO-8859-1 - OK.
WIN-1252 - OK.
ASCII/US - OK.Already tested: I´ve tested some charsets in my database: latin1, utf-8, ascii, but all of them gave me the same result (? instead of 'á', 'ç' etc).
Extra: I'm using Java with Java JDBC to generate and send the query.
file.txt is saved in ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1252 (these two are very similar), and being interpreted as UTF-8 by MySQL. These are incompatible.
How can I tell?
Solution: either convert the file to UTF-8, or tell MySQL to interpret it as ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1252.
Background: the characters you provide (ã etc.) are single-byte values in windows-1252, and these bytes are illegal values in UTF-8, thus yielding the '?'s (unicode replacement characters).
Snippet from MySQL docs:
Saved your characters with standard Windows Notepad as UTF-8 file (Notepad++ is also OK).
Exact file content:
MySQL version: 5.5.22
Database charset: utf8
Database collation: utf8_general_ci
Imported data with command
Result (displayed in SQLyog):
So, first - you should check original file with reliable editor (notepad, notepad++). If file corrupted, then you should take another file.
Second - if file is OK, add you Java code for sending data to MySql into question.