i need some direction about full text search in couchdb. Is it already enabled by default in 2.0, or do we have to rebuild couchdb enabling it?
Scenario: It is a document management system, documents are shown in a grid. I need to be able to sort results. After several changes from map reduces to elastic indexes, now i am trying to use mango queries. Problem is that sorting does not give the expected results.
"selector": {
"directoryName": {
"$eq": "mail\\test\\inbox"
"sort": [{"subject": "asc"}]
Trying to sort by "subject" or other text field, mixes results with, i suppose, "index logic" (e.g.: returned sorted subjects: "This email...", "Hello...", "This email...", definetly not what i need). Dont remember if analyzers, tokens, etc, have something to do with "weird" search results. With date fields desc sort, for example, it works much better, but i have an "intruder" result of a document of year 2014 when showing documents from 2017 to desc, having 2016 and 2015 documents.
I have created indexes of type json for a few of the possible document sorting fields. Creating a text type index does not work. I do not know it full text search will solve my "sorting" problems, but with all the references to cloudant query language and full text search, i thought that this feature was included in 2.0.
after searching for a while and failed, finally, I got some working system, please let me know any comments if someone want a full text-search, maybe you can try , (delete all comments and copy then paste)
CouchDB itself doesn't have a full-text indexer built in. You can do a lot with mango, but you'll probably be much better served by a dedicated full-text indexer.
The 2 most common options are: couchdb-lucene and elasticseach