I am playing a bit with the SOMbrero package. I would like to attach the cluster numbers created like so (taken from here):
my.sc <- superClass(iris.som, k=3)
and X and Y coordinates of the SOM nodes to the training dataset.
In some code, where I use the kohonen package, I create clusters like this:
range01 <- function(x){(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x))}
ind <- sapply(SubsetData, is.numeric)
SubsetData[ind] <- lapply(SubsetData[ind], range01)
TrainingMatrix <- as.matrix(SubsetData)
GridDefinition <- somgrid(xdim = 4, ydim = 4, topo = "rectangular", toroidal = FALSE)
SomModel <- som(
data = TrainingMatrix,
grid = GridDefinition,
rlen = 10000,
alpha = c(0.05, 0.01),
keep.data = TRUE
nb <- table(SomModel$unit.classif)
groups = 5
tree.hc = cutree(hclust(d=dist(SomModel$codes[[1]]),method="ward.D2",members=nb),groups)
plot(SomModel, type="codes", bgcol=rainbow(groups)[tree.hc])
add.cluster.boundaries(SomModel, tree.hc)
result <- OrginalData
result$Cluster <- tree.hc[SomModel$unit.classif]
result$X <- SomModel$grid$pts[SomModel$unit.classif,"x"]
result$Y <- SomModel$grid$pts[SomModel$unit.classif,"y"]
write.table(result, file = "FinalData.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, quote = FALSE)
Some example code using the iris dataset can be found here.
I played a bit with the code iris code quoted above and think I have managed to extract the clusters, node ids and prototypes (see code below). What is missing are the coordinates X and Y. I think they are in here:
#iris.som <- trainSOM(x.data=iris[,1:4],dimension=c(10,10), maxit=100000, scaling="unitvar", radius.type="gaussian")
iris.som <- trainSOM(x.data=iris[,1:4],dimension=c(3,3), maxit=100000, scaling="unitvar", radius.type="gaussian")
# perform a hierarchical clustering
## with 3 super clusters
iris.sc <- superClass(iris.som, k=3)
# compute the projection quality indicators
iris1 <- iris
iris1$Cluster = iris.sc$cluster[iris.sc$som$clustering]
iris1$Node = iris.sc$som$clustering
iris1$Pt1Sepal.Length = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,1]
iris1$Pt2Sepal.Width = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,2]
iris1$Pt3Petal.Length = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,3]
iris1$Pt4Petal.Width = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,4]
write.table(iris1, file = "Iris.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, quote = FALSE)
yes :)
I think I have figured it out using the iris example (please correct/improve code! - I am not fluent in R):
I am not sure that I got it right but:
contains coordinates of the clusters (it is a two column array with x and y coordinates in the mapping space)so I think that what you want to do is
and export out.grid (a three column array).
contains the coordinate of the prototypes of the clusters but in the original space (the four dimensional space in which theiris
dataset takes its values.