I'm trying to code a wrapper over a boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket
Something like that :
class Socket {
void async_read(AsyncReadStream & s,
const boost::asio::MutableBufferSequence & buffers,
CompletionCondition completion_condition,
ReadHandler handler) {};
So I would be able to use ssl and non-ssl stream seamlessly... The only thing is that, I do not seems to find the definition of each parameters to pass them to boost::asio::async_read (namespaces, etc...)
Any help would be appreciated ! Thanks
Your main requirements seems to be "use SSL and non-SSL streams seamlessly." To do that, you can wrap a the various stream types in a way that exposes the functions you need to use.
Part of how you do that is deciding how you're going to do memory management. MutableBufferSequence is not a type, it defines a set of requirements for a type to be used on that context.
If you are going to use one of a smallish number of approaches you can just use them in the interface (as long as it meets the MutableBufferSequence/ConstBufferSequence requirements, appropriate). The downside of this is that buffer management becomes part of the interface.
If you want to maintain the asio buffer management flexibility then you could
Template your code on stream type in order to achieve the seamless SSL/non-SSL requirement.
Create a wrapper for the various stream types with templated methods on buffer type.
(Updated response; I shouldn't try to respond to a question like this when I have less than two minutes!)