I dont know Excel Macros so I'm sure this is a ridiculous question. I have an excel workbook here with 7 worksheets (K:\Common\HSRE\Hospice Payment Reform\Plotzke\Ad Hoc Tasks\OY1\Monitoring for MACs\Results\Results_2012 - Template – Master.xlsx)
I want to copy the formatting from each of those worksheets (the formats are different on each worksheet) to this workbook (K:\Common\HSRE\Hospice Payment Reform\Plotzke\Ad Hoc Tasks\OY1\Monitoring for MACs\Results\Results_2012 – Template.xlsx). The worksheet names in this workbook are identical to the names in the first workbook.
Based on what I saw online I thought I could do something like (at least for the first worksheet)
Sub FormatMAC()
Workbooks("K:\Common\HSRE\Hospice Payment Reform\Plotzke\Ad Hoc Tasks\OY1\Monitoring for MACs\Results\Results_2012 - Template - Master.xlsx").Worksheets("Provider Level").Range("A1:CZ600").Copy
Workbooks("K:\Common\HSRE\Hospice Payment Reform\Plotzke\Ad Hoc Tasks\OY1\Monitoring for MACs\Results\Copy of Results_2012 - Template1.xlsx").Worksheets("Provider Level").Range("A1:CZ600").PasteSpecial (xlPasteFormats)
End Sub
It seems like the program is getting hung up on the first line. I keep getting this error
Run-time error `9’: Subscript out of Range
Any ideas?
This does not specify the
, and thus theFormat
is copied for the entireWorksheet
.One of the files has
extension because it contains theSub
.I do not know the reason for you obtaining the error quoted.
You can open the Master workbook first, and then copy the format to the opened template
Assuming the template workbook is open and this macro is in the template workbook, you can use the following
If the workbook is open then you don't need to supply the entire path
Try this
Workbooks("Results_2012 - Template - Master").Worksheets("Provider Level").Range("A1:CZ600").Copy
Same with the other.