I often read it's impossible to call Lambda functions on iterators. And I lived in that belief until now. However reading the book Professional Haxe by Franco Ponticelli and Lee-McColl-Sylvester about what makes an objet an Iterable or an Iterator made me think of one trick, that seems to work; at least in the simple case I just tested.
The trick is simply to declare an iterator() function inside the Iterator class, returning itself (weird yes, but not that incoherent).
I don't know if this will work in the general case, but this simple examples compiles and works fine on both Haxe 2 and Haxe 3 (http://try.haxe.org/#b764F):
using Lambda;
class IntIter2 {
var min : Int;
var max : Int;
public inline function new( min : Int, max : Int ) {
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
public inline function hasNext() { return min < max; }
public inline function next() { return min++; }
// here goes the magic/weirdness/abomination
public function iterator():IntIter2 { return this; }
class Test {
public static function main() {
var evenNumbers = new IntIter2(3, 10)
.filter( function (n:Int):Bool return n % 2 == 0 )
.list() // unneeded, in fact...
// list even numbers in the series, ie {4, 6, 8}
Why it works (at least here)
"In the haXe standard library, two very commonly used typedefs are defined: Iterator and Iterable.
Their definition is as follows:
typedef Iterator<T> = {
function hasNext() : Bool;
function next() : T;
typedef Iterable<T> = {
function iterator() : Iterator<T>;
" - Haxe Professional by Franco Ponticelli and Lee-McColl-Sylvester
Therefore adding iterator() to an Iterator class makes it Iterable, and usable with Lambda functions. Or is that always so simple?
Check out this (open) issue on the Haxe repository:
Lambda should support Iterator as well as Iterable #1914
The final comment in the thread is actually what you're suggesting - and it could work, but changing the definition of "Iterator" so that every iterator is itself "iterable" is a breaking change and won't likely be changed during Haxe 3. Maybe for Haxe 4 :)
The other option is using abstracts, which allow implicit casting, to create a type "Iter" that works with both Iterable and Iterator:
I wrote about this in a comment on that issue: https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/haxe/issues/1914#issuecomment-19380450
You could use Iter to create your own custom Lambda helper that works with both Iterable and Iterator.
Good luck :)