I am currently using Diskpart to accomplish these functions, but i would like to be able to use P-Invoke and not have to shell out to an external process in my C# app.
The example Diskpart scripts are:
//Online a disk
Select disk 7
disk online
// Reset GPT Identifier
select disk 7
UNIQUEID DISK ID=baf784e7-6bbd-4cfb-aaac-e86c96e166ee
I tried searching pinvoke.net but could only find functions that dealt with volumes, not disks. Any idea on how to accomplish these diskpart commands using Pinvoke?
How about the DeviceIOControl API?
If not, I would look into using WMI. In particular, take a look at the WMI WIN32_DiskDrive or WIN32_LogicalDisk classes.
I'm not sure exactly what Dispart does but I'd suggest looking at WMI which might have this kind of functionality. It's usually a good place to look when you need to do something less common in Windows.
There's the
Storage WMI Classes
which might have something useful:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff567016%28VS.85%29.aspx
Edit: removed the suggestions about Volumes since I had missed that you're not interested in that.