I'm trying to make the directories "01", "02", "03", ..., "11" and "12" in the current directory. But for an unknown reason my padding 'function' of "0" doesn't work within a for loop.
@Echo on
SET suffix=12
SET v=0%suffix%
SET v=%v:~-2%
echo %v%
(SET suffix=12
SET v=0%suffix%
SET v=%v:~-2%
echo %v%)
FOR /L %%q IN (9,1,11) DO (
SET suffixb=%%q
SET w=0%suffixb%
SET w=%w:~-2%
echo %w%
In batch files, each line or block of lines (code inside parenthesis) is parsed, executed and the process repeated for the next line/block. During the parse phase, all variable reads are removed, being replaced with the value in the variable before the code starts to execute. If a variable changes its value inside the line/block, this changed value can not be retrieved from inside the same line/block as the variable read operation does not exist.
The usual way to solve it is to use delayed expansion. When enabled, you can change (where needed) the syntax from
, indicating to the parser that the read operation must be delayed until the command that uses the value starts to execute.