Using Visual Studio 2012, I created a simple Windows Azure Project (Cloud project) for which contains a ASP.NET MVC 4 website. I didn't change anything to the template and I simply try to deploy it using Azure Website. I imported the "publishing profile" from Windows Azure Dashboard into my project and deployed (using Visual Studio).
At the very end of the deployment process I am getting the following message: "failed to open ''. Exception:Class not registered". I can only click "Ok" on that dialog. Any idea why I am seeing this message?
When I look at the Output Window, I see that the deployment succedded. I go the a Web API url and I am getting "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI ''". What puzzle me is that I can access that same url on my local environment.
What am I missing? Thanks!
I could access using my Azure website using ASP.NET Web API. If you use default MVC4 Web API template, please access "http://[yoursite]".
My Environment is below. - Visual Studio 2012 - ASP.NET MVC4
You don't need to create a cloud project to use Azure Websites. You can simply create an MVC app and then use git deploy or even FTP to push the site to Azure
Make sure that you referenced the latest version of WindowsAzure related assemblies in your project.