In my .NET 4,5 Winforms application, the ListView control's MouseUp event is firing multiple times when I open a file from that event as follows:
private void ListView1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
ListViewHitTestInfo hit = ListView1.HitTest(e.Location);
if (hit.SubItem != null && hit.SubItem == hit.Item.SubItems[1])
MessageBox.Show("A test");
Note: When clicking on the SubItem1 of the listview, the file opens but the message box appears at least twice. But, when I comment out the line that opens the file the message box appears only once (as it should). I do need to open the file whose name is clicked by the user in the listview. How can I achieve this without the MoueUp event firing multiple times? Please also note that the MouseClick event for listview does not always work as also stated here. So, I have to use MouseUp event.
EDIT: I should mention the ListView is in Details mode.
and useListView
's native functionGetItemAt()
. An example from MSDN looks like this: