Get user input without pressing enter

2019-07-21 13:27发布

Here is my code, I don't want the user to have to press enter to make a choice. I tried a couple of things but nothing I tried worked.

@echo off

:debut  mon menu a moi  
echo 1.Calculatrice  
echo 2.Task manager  
echo 3.msconfig  
echo 4.Notepad                    
echo 5.ipconfig  
echo 6.quit  

set /p /c choix=" Choisir votre application : "  

if "%choix%"=="1" goto menu1  
if "%choix%"=="2" goto menu2  
if "%choix%"=="3" goto menu3  
if "%choix%"=="4" goto menu4  
if "%choix%"=="5" goto menu5  
if "%choix%"=="6" goto menu6  

I didn't include the menu since it's not relevant

2楼-- · 2019-07-21 13:41
@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

rem OPTION 1 - Use choice command (if available)
    echo ---------------------------------------------------    
    rem Ask for the options
    choice /n /c 1234560 /m "Choisir votre application : "

    rem Each option sets a errorlevel in the same order they are included.
    rem It is necessary to test in decreasing order
    if errorlevel 7 (
        echo selected 0
    ) else if errorlevel 6 (
        echo selected 6
    ) else if errorlevel 5 (
        echo selected 5
    ) else if errorlevel 4 (
        echo selected 4
    ) else if errorlevel 3 (
        echo selected 3
    ) else if errorlevel 2 (
        echo selected 2
    ) else if errorlevel 1 (
        echo selected 1

    rem Alternatively, this sintax can be used
    rem In this case the order in the tests is not relevant
    if "%errorlevel%"=="1" echo selected 1
    if "%errorlevel%"=="2" echo selected 2
    if "%errorlevel%"=="3" echo selected 3
    if "%errorlevel%"=="4" echo selected 4
    if "%errorlevel%"=="5" echo selected 5
    if "%errorlevel%"=="6" echo selected 6
    if "%errorlevel%"=="7" echo selected 0

rem OPTION 2 - Use xcopy to retrieve the key press    
    echo ---------------------------------------------------    
    rem Show the prompt
    <nul set /p ".=Choisir votre application : "

    rem Retrieve the user input
    set "choix=" & for /f "delims=" %%a in ('xcopy /l /w "%~f0" "%~f0" 2^>nul') do if not defined choix set "choix=%%a"
    set "choix=%choix:~-1%"

    rem Echo user input
    echo %choix%
The star\"
3楼-- · 2019-07-21 13:47
@echo off

echo 1.Calculatrice  
echo 2.Task manager  
echo 3.msconfig  
echo 4.Notepad                    
echo 5.ipconfig  
echo 6.quit  

choice /C 123456 /M "Choisir votre application : "
goto menu%errorlevel%

echo Calculatrice

. . .

echo Quit

The choice command returns an errorlevel value between 1 and 6 (or 0 if the user press Ctrl-C), so goto menu%errorlevel% command direclty transfer to the desired label without need of any additional checking. For further details, type: choice /?

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